トート阪急洛西口 トートひろば
阪急京都線 洛西口駅改札から徒歩9分 桂駅改札から徒歩12分
前売券 3枚 1,500円
当日券 3枚 1,800円
追加券 3枚 1,000円
1枚 400円
2024年2⽉2〜4⽇にタイのバンコクで、ジャパンコーヒーフェスティバルを開催しました。目覚ましい経済発展により、バンコクは東南アジアの中⼼とも⾔える都市として発展しています。そのバンコクの中⼼地・サイアム博物館にて、タイのコーヒー店15軒、⽇本 のコーヒー店12軒、合計27軒での開催でした。タイのコーヒー⽂化は急速な発展を遂げており、特にハンドドリップコーヒーが⼀気に広がっているのです。⽇本が育んできたハンドド リップという⽂化が、海を超えて広がっていく様を⽬にしました。また、タイはコーヒー⾖ の⽣産国でもあり、様々な場所で⽣産されています。現地のコーヒー屋さんの中には、タイ の様々なコーヒー⾖を提供しているお店もありました。今回は、⽇本国内には流通していないタイ産の⾖を5種類⽤意し、コーヒー屋さんにはそれらを焙煎していただき、ご提供いただきます。ぜひ、コーヒーを通じて、タイの「今」を知り、その熱気を感じ取っていただけたら幸いです。
※ジャパンコーヒーフェスティバルin バンコクのオリジナルグッズも販売しています。
出店者 喫茶あおい(大阪府)/珈琲屋 焙煎太郎(奈良県)/伏見珈琲店(福島県)/ Yeti Fazenda COFFEE™(滋賀県)/未完倶楽部(兵庫県)/自家焙煎 燕珈琲(鳥取県)/LANDMADE(兵庫県)/ASIAN COFFEE MARKET(兵庫県)/アカマツ珈琲(大阪府)/World Free Coffee/他
主催:一般社団法人 日本コーヒーフェスティバル実行委員会
The Japan Coffee Festival 2024 will be held under the elevated railway.
~Coffee beans from Thailand~
Date and time: April 6th (Sat) and April 7th (Sun), 2024
Venue: Hankyu Kyoto Line Rakusaiguchi Station TauT Hankyu Rakusaiguchi TauT Hiroba
Tickets: 3 advance tickets 1,500 yen
(total of 3 tickets including 1 fateful coffee ticket drawn at gacha)
3 tickets for 1,800 yen (total of 3 tickets including 1 fateful coffee ticket drawn at gacha)
3 additional tickets 1,000 yen,
1additional tickets 400 yen
*All tickets are valid for both days.
●Advance tickets will be sold on March 31st (Sunday) at the entrance space of TauT Hankyu Rakusaiguchi.
■What is Japan Coffee Festival?
The Japan Coffee Festival aims to promote the healthy development and spread of coffee culture in Japan. Coffee is a drink loved by people of all ages, regardless of genre or nationality. This is an attempt to intersect all genres through coffee, learn about the festival location, learn about the region through coffee, and interact with various people. Our goal is for people who happen to be at the festival to enjoy communication and revitalize the area.
■Do you know the taste of Thai coffee?
The Japan Coffee Festival was held in Bangkok, Thailand from February 2nd to 4th, 2024. Due to remarkable economic development, Bangkok has developed into a city that can be called the center of Southeast Asia. The event was held at the Siam Museum in the center of Bangkok, with a total of 27 coffee shops, 15 from Thailand and 12 from Japan. Thailand’s coffee culture is rapidly developing, and hand-drip coffee in particular is rapidly expanding. I saw how the culture of hand-dried coffee that Japan has cultivated is spreading across the ocean. Thailand is also a country that produces coffee beans, which are produced in various locations. Some of the local coffee shops offered a variety of Thai coffee beans. This time, we will prepare five types of Thai beans that are not distributed in Japan, and have coffee shops roast them and provide them to us. We hope that you can learn about Thailand’s current state and feel its enthusiasm through coffee.
*Original goods from Japan Coffee Festival in Bangkok are also on sale.
*We want you to enjoy this chance encounter, so one ticket will be your fateful coffee ticket.
*One pamphlet will be distributed for each set of three tickets (excluding additional tickets).
*The pamphlet contains an introduction to each coffee shop. Customers can choose the coffee they want to drink while looking at the pamphlet.
Vendors: Kissa Aoi (Osaka)/ Coffee Roasting Taro (Nara)/ Fushimi Coffee Store (Fukushima)/ Yeti Fazenda COFFEE™(Shiga)/ Mikan Club (Hyogo)/ Home Roasting Tsubame Coffee (Tottori )/ LANDMADE (Hyogo)/ ASIAN COFFEE MARKET (Hyogo)/Akamatsu Coffee (Osaka)/World Free Coffee/etc.
Sponsored by: General Incorporated Association Japan Coffee Festival Executive Committee
Cooperation: TauT Hankyu Rakusaiguchi